Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Tree Show Art Book

Mark Ryden news again. just found this out. i think i overlooked it when i did my previous post (1st know, i said that this book made me want to cry cuz i couldn't get it...mainly cuz i have most, if not all, of his books). BIG "doh!!!" so now i'm very excited that i'll probably be able to get my hands on a copy of this. it won't be signed but it's still gonna be an awesome book regardless i'm sure! this sweet book will be available in wide release through bookstores as well as online distributors on February 1st. so if you want one, i suggest getting on it fast...cuz they always sell out in no time!

(his website said it's going to be limited to 12,500 copies which prob includes the ones he will sign the day before it's wide release.)

UPDATE @ 3:45 PM-I just preordered this lovely book off Amazon for $26 bucks. not a bad deal for 128 pages. Again, if you're interested in this book, I suggest getting it soon. I can promise you it won't be around long. (and Amazon usually has the best prices for books.)

For more info click HERE

1 Curious people had this to say...:

Jennylee said...

I spoke with my friend cliff who lives in L/a and i asked him if he could stand in line for me .. he is broke and i am broke so no promises