Monday, January 26, 2009

Musical Monday: Anarchy

(i don't typically like blonde boys, but Skold is an exception.)

hi all. and happy monday to you. here's hoping we'll all have a lovely week. o.k. this is my 2nd time around at Musical Monday, hosted by Diane & Jori. the song i chose this week is Anarchy by KMFDM. this song means a lot to me in several ways.

for starters, when my boyfriend and i started to go out we were getting familiar w/one another's styles when it came to movies, music, and that kinda stuff. and i've always liked goth music but never got into anything industrial, (except a lil' bit of NIN), which is more his cup of tea. so about 7 years ago, he said "i think you'll like this song called Anarchy." he gave me KMFDM's Symbols album and low and behold, Anarchy ended up being my favorite song off that CD. must've listened to it a million times & to this day, that song still holds up.

so again, this song means a lot to me basically cuz it was really my first taste of "industrial" music. i didn't think i'd ever like that kind of music or really get it. and some is still very hard/loud to listen to. but overall this new type of music (for me) opened up my eyes or ears(?) to many bands to come like...Skinny Puppy, Ohgr, Thrill Kill Kult, Pigface, etc...whom i all like very much.

and lastly (and most importantly, ha ha), this song introduced me to my boy Tim Skold. he sings the song, wrote the lyrics, does the music w/Sascha on Anarchy. once i saw his picture i was like "Oh my!" cuz he's super cute. no but seriously i love his work (w/KMFDM, his own band Skold, and Marilyn Manson) and i consider him to be one of my fave musicians ever. (Damn Mike for being able to see him live with Ohgr! I only saw Skold when he was in Marilyn Manson but he was a million feet away-i was in the balcony, ugh!)

so i am really looking forward to his new project/CD called Skold Vs. KMFDM. i can only hope this means he's back to work w/Sascha for a while (cuz MM & him are done, thank God! preferred him w/KMFDM for many reasons). or maybe if he atleast does some solo stuff because i really want to see him live/meet him one day. that would rule! i love everything about him, especially his great (sexy) voice. sorry for the ramblings but Skold (as he's usually called) is one of my BIG loves. ;}

my video below. sorry! i honestly couldn't find anything showing KMFDM because there's not many good "videos"/live clips for this song. so basically this "video" is a black screen w/Skold's lyrics popping up when he sings. hm, actually it's kinda cool because the lyrics are also VERY important to me...because i love Skold's writing style. Mike has even said that sometimes when i write lyrics for our band that they sound Skold-ish. of course i say "I'm not doing it on purpose!" so he definitely has influenced me and continues to be someone i admire. hope you'll enjoy Anarchy.~

5 Curious people had this to say...:

jori-o said...

Okay, I have to be honest, this is not the lind of music I would usually listen to...(shocking, I know! =)...) However, I can't deny that this song certainly has an addictive beat and some pretty deep lyrics. And I like how you shared your sentimental reasons for loving it. Great post! Thanks for playing!

Eve Noir said...

thanks jori-o. i got a lil' freaked when i saw the first (uncompleted) line when i went to approve your comment. thought you were gonna say that i was being "bad" or something...(silly eve, i know!)
Glad you liked it!!!

The Me/ The Wife/ The Mom said...

Hi Eve! I've been listening to kiddie songs for so long now that I forgot there was fabulous music out there.

Thanks for the heads up.

Cool blog.

Heidi R. said...

i love kmfdm... awesome! :)

Diane said...

awesome song! and cool story. you guys have been going out a long time!! good for you's!

thanks for playing!