Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blog of the Moment: The Life and Travels of Sullivan McPig

Hey everyone. I wanted to start doing a new thing every month (or so) where I pick my favorite BLOG of the moment. There's so many cool Blogs out there that I felt like I just had to give some props to these peeps & their awesome work.

So this month (through probably all of March because February is a short month), I want my 1st Blog of the Moment to be The Life and Travels of Sullivan McPig. I really enjoy this unique Blog dedicated to well, the life and travels of a cute little pig named Sullivan. I really enjoy Blogs with a theme/concept and this blog definitely has that going for it. Not only are the stories very interesting and entertaining, the pictures are always wonderful looking. I wondered if Carien, Sullivan's owner, was a professional photographer because her pics always look so great...but she said she's not so, wow, that's very impressive!

I asked Carien & Sullivan (well, he is real!), about their Blog and how they came up with the idea for it and whatever else they'd like to tell me. So instead of summarizing their words (which I don't like doing because I always like to stay true to peeps exact words), I will put the lil' story they both told me about their Blog. BTW: This blog also influenced me to bring out some of my own stuffed animals/friends and do some stories on them from time to time (on my Goth Blog). This blog is a very fun & cool read every day. I always look forward to seeing what Sullivan is up to.

Here's what Carien & Sullivan told me about their Blogger:

Sullivan about his blog:
Why I started a blog?
I always travel with my owner where ever she goes and I wanted to share all my stories about my travels and all the other stuff I do with the world.

I love reading books and I love watching movies even more, so I thought it might be a great idea to combine reading and watching by starting a blog with both my stories and pictures. Luckily my owner thought it was a good idea too, so she's my personal photographer. Sometimes her OH (partner) helps out too.

Carien on Sullivan's blog:
I've always had stuffed animals except for about three years when I was in my early teens and thought it was the grown up thing to do to get rid of my toys. Luckily I came to my senses soon and started collecting them again. All my animals have a name and their own personality.

Sullivan and his family all have a no nonsense view on life and a healthy 'don't mess with me' attitude, but from the 7 of them Sullivan is the most adventurous. Sullivan is the one in charge when it comes to the blog, I can tell you. When Eve commented that it would be cute if Sullivan would look like a gothic lolita, I might think for a moment it would be cool to try that out, but one look at Sullivan is enough to tell me he wouldn't coƶperate if I tried. Can't go against his nature.

I'm not a professional photographer and I don't aspire to be one, but I love taking pictures of Sullivan and will continue to do so as long as he has a story to tell.

Carien also took this pic above especially for my Blog post on them. Thanks so much once again, it's a lovely pic. So please stop by Sullivan's Blog sometime to see what he's up to. I'm going to keep his Blog on the side of my page for a while so you can always click on that. But I will put it here anyways. I know you'll enjoy it. ;) Check out Sullivan's Travels HERE.

3 Curious people had this to say...:

Cynthia said...

I love that blog! I check it out through your page though Eve ... I should follow it! Very unique idea :)

Sullivan McPig said...

I'm blushing after reading your praise about me and Carien. What a beautiful and nice post on my blog.

Eve Noir said...

You are very welcome Sullivan. I'm glad you like the post. ^_^