Friday, February 13, 2009

Cellphone Pics: At Work

Here's some more random cellphone pics. This time they're all from work. If you don't remember, I work in a college library. This pic: Hm, I don't know why anyone would take a chair from under a plant but I guess it's happened before...says the boss.

The pic above is a Degas picture we have upstairs that I really like. Of course all the paintings we have are NOT originals...think some would have mysteriously disappeared if so...:)

Lookie, it's me through the looking-glass! Well, not really. I'm actually in the...restroom. Well, where else am I gonna find a mirror? My hand looks really big...weird. Probably because I'm holding that closest to the mirror. Trust me, I have small hands-not those monsters!

This is upstairs looking out a window to the parking lot of my work. I work downstairs at the desk, the upstairs is where most the books are though. I think I took this pic in the fall. I must admit that it's a nice view. But yeah, now you know why I'm late quite often. I gotta find a spot somewhere in that massive lot and then walk all the way up that ramp. Well, it can be trying, especially in the winter time when it's freezing!

Most the cool art is upstairs, and this is another example. It's a Georgia O'Keefe. Love her!

I also LOVE old pictures and I really liked the cover of this book. You can't see it but I'm pretty sure the girl's crown says "Cuba" on it...but I have no clue why. I used to know my history but it's been a while since I took any classes.

1 Curious people had this to say...:

Sullivan McPig said...

And even more cool pictures!
And I can believe people would take the plant stand if you didn't watch them. People take the weirdest things sometimes.