Wednesday, February 4, 2009

C'mon, It's Just a Picture-You Jerks!

OK, i just found this out, & i HAD to post about it cuz 1) this is nuts & 2) i just got something OBEY today actually. people just can't let art be and i just hate that! i don't think Shepard Fairey (creator of OBEY art) "stole" anything. this article is about the HOPE picture of Obama. if you're curious about this copyright crap, please click HERE.

and lemme know your thoughts too cuz i just think it's totally ridiculous!

3 Curious people had this to say...:

Jennylee said...

so did he take someone elses photo and make the hope photo?

Cynthia said...

It's all about money girl. GREEEEEED. I'm really not surprised ... let's see how it all ends. OBEY!!

Eve Noir said...

Jenny, did you read the short article? Yes, the painting/pic is based off someone's pic they shot of Obama. BUT there are tons of pics the guy who does OBEY "uses" & has never got in trouble. Like Luna says it's all about $$$...greedy peeps who don't get it!