Saturday, February 7, 2009

Maybe "Batman" Is The Crazy One?

when i heard that Christian Bale "beat up" his mother & sister a while back, i thought "no way, that's crazy!" but recently when i heard that he freaked out on set on one of the crew guys, i thought "well, maybe something is up with him." so i happened to run across the words exchanged, though you can't really hear the other guy. and this proves The Batman needs some anger management classes.
take a listen to this.
(oh & the images from American Psycho fit in all too well! ha ha ha.)
oh, and there's lots of naughty language, so no kids allowed, k?!!

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Jennylee said...

What movie was he filming>?< that's funny they have a couple of celebrities caught on tape doing shit like that. i think the funniest one was casey casum or however u spell his name . Howard stern would play them all the time.

Eve Noir said...

I don't know honestly. Mike tries to tell me it prob wasn't the dude's fault...but I think Christian just needed to let it go. Ha ha, you should see what Jimmy (of MSI) and his wife did spoofing this! I was gonna include that too...maybe later I will. ;)