Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nathan Jurevicius

When I went to Urban Outfitters this weekend for some Dunnys (that post is coming soon), I saw this cool package by the registers. And I love owls so I thought if they looked anything like on the package then it'd be a cool lil' toy.

Well, I guess I was expecting it to be a little more colorful or maybe with more designs (similar to Dunnys), but I was glad to get this Silver Owl regardless. He winds up and walks funny. Oh & silver is one of my fave colors too. ^_^

These owls that also wind up aren't from the series I got. And I couldn't find a pic of that series online either. But I found out that they are all different-color & design's just that each one is only one color. Still, they're cute but I don't think I'd buy anymore.

*I just wandered online and saw that the designer, an Australian guy named
Nathan Jurevicius, makes other cool toys as well as other artistic things. If you'd like to see a lil' article on him regarding a past art show, please click HERE. I like his artwork and some of his other toys more than the owls.

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Sullivan McPig said...

Owls are cool and I must say I love the owl you got.
Must try and take some pictures of the cool owl stuff we got here.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks! Yes, I'd like to see some pics of the owl stuff you guys have. Take care~