Monday, February 16, 2009


Jennylee got me into doing this-darn her! No, but I like it lots. It's fun & cool to make these based on Shepard Fairey's (of OBEY art) image of Obama...where it says HOPE below. So if you click HERE you can make all the images you want. And I've made a bunch since last night.
The one above is the 1st I made-it's my man Tim Skold. His album (w/KMFDM) comes out next week & I'm super excited!

Guess who?

Ian Curtis of Joy Division...

Hear her ROAR...maybe I should've wrote that instead...

My second favorite kitty...

His name is Ryan...& um, yeah...

Did curiosity ever kill any cat anyways?!?

If you want, post some of yours too. I'm very curious to see what others look like. Jenny's look pretty sweet. Keep on posting 'em Miss Jennylee. And thanks again!~

4 Curious people had this to say...:

Diane said...

the one at the bottom 'curious' is really cool looking!

sAm said...

They say curiousity killed the cat...but it was satisfaction that brought it back! So never stop being curious!

Mikey said...

Those are cool! I may have to visit that site and give it a whirl.

Eve Noir said...

@ Diane-thanks. I like 'em's hard to pick a fave.

@ sAm-never heard that before! Ha. I don't think I could stop being curious if I tried. ^_^

@ MIKEY-yes, give it a try. I'd like to see what you come up with!