I know it's not Mother's Day until May but I felt like writing about my mom.
These are some reasons why I love my mother so much...
1-She is the most selfless & caring person I have ever met. She does SO much for my family (including me of course)...it's incredible. I have no idea how she does it all & stays sane. She's definitely the "glue" of our family.
2-The woman NEVER takes a break. You'll never see my mother sitting on the couch in broad daylight. If so, something is up.
3-When I visit at my parents' house (usually for dinner), she'll always ask me if I want more to eat & if I want dessert (though she knows I could lose a few pounds).
4-If my father & I have an argument/disagreement (and he's being rude as normal), she's the first person to defend me. (That's another thing, I have no idea how she's put up with some of my father's crap for 30+ years, amazing!)
5-I can always count on her to be there for me no matter what. (Day or night, she'll be there!)
6-She has this great ability to get me to see the positive sides of things...always.
7-I know that I'm not the only one knowing how great of a person she is...because she is also loved at her work. When it comes to her birthday or Christmas, my God, she gets LOTS of nice gifts & cards from her co-workers & bosses! I've walked into my parents' house before & have been like "OMG, is this all yours Mom?!!!?" ^_^
8-She believes in me...and supports my decisions no matter what.
With all this, I wonder quite often if I'm the red-headed stepchild because I feel very selfish a lot of the times. I am definitely more like my dad but also not exactly like him either, thank goodness. But overall, I feel like I have several of my mother's good-natured qualities. Still, I can only hope to be half as wonderful as my mom is...she is my biggest inspiration & hero. And I know she always will be. ;}
***If you'd like, you can tell me who's your biggest inspiration/hero and why. I'm always curious, as you know! ^_^

2 Curious people had this to say...:
i'm really happy for you that you have such a loving relationship with your mom. i dont have that with my mom. but i'd like to with my kids.
i dont know if i told you about my new blog yet...
awww...that is so sweet! I'm sure you already have, but if you can make sure you share that with mom.
My biggest inspiration is my son. I feel like I need to be good to show him what good is - if that makes sense. Now...that means I've missed out on some fun, but when I see how great he's turning out it makes it all worthwhile!
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