Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sucky and not-so-sucky Stuff + UPDATE on Sat Night

Some bad news. Our water heater broke. We need to buy a new one. Water was all over our basement since yesterday...and now the hot water won't even turn on. Luckily it's summer-y (kinda weird weather summer though) and we can take showers with the cold water. But we need one ASAP cuz the water won't stop dripping. And water costs money. So hopefully we can get one ASAP. Wish me luck!

But on to the good news...well, hopefully it'll be good news. Mike and I were cleaning/organizing our basement so our new roomie can move in IN early August. And I discovered how much JUNK I had down there...
from pajamas to books to toys to purses to my Hello Kitty crap...
to knick knacks to more clothes, etc...
SO (although I normally give it to the Salvation Army across the street)...
...since MONEY is tight until TJ moves in,
I said "Why not a garage/yard sale?!!!?"
And YAY tomorrow I'll be doing it, I'd do it today but it's already 3:30 PM...
and I got a lot to price/organize and put up signs around the area.

I'm super excited to do it.
I've done a couple in the past and had fun...
cuz there's some interesting peeps out there...
& I like to be in ha ha ha.
"And NO you can't have it for .25 cents...
don't you know that is a SPECIAL PEZ dispenser?"
Ha ha. :)

I might take some pics. I plan to do it for a while here's hoping it won't rain like it's been doing lately-arghhhh!
Wish me luck on my sale. I hope to atleast get rid of a lot....I mean if it comes to peeps not wanting to pay for what I ask, I'll do a bit cheaper. But hey, I need some dough too!
I'm pretty flexible but IF it's a nice thing, NO way. :)

OK, Mike and I gotta go get some supplies for our crappity crap basement flood.
And garage sale stuff too, yay!
Be chatting with you soon and hope your weekend goes good!

UPDATE: Well, since my city is SUCKY, I can't do my yard sale until I get a permit (costs $5 too) & I have to put it in my house window, wha''''???. And there's some other stupid rules (like limiting the days & I could only do a sale 3 times a year, again wha''''???).

So maybe that's good because I plan to do it next Friday, Sat, and Sunday of next week. And maybe I can find some more junk too.
Soooo, maybe it's a good thing.
Have a nice night & chat w/you later.

8 Curious people had this to say...:

permanentcloud said...

good luck with the sale! lol you sound like me! i just have all sorts of weird shit hanging around that i totally don't need...wind-up sushi, action figures, bobble heads, the list goes on...

are you going to try and sell any of your pieces from etsy? it might be worth it to give it a try, although i also know that the yard sale crowd may only be there to get cheap stuff. still, worth a try, right? maybe some local people will take an interest and spread the word!

Eve Noir said...

CINDY, you have a picture at long last!!! And I know exactly what it is, very cool!

Hm, that is an idea. Maybe I'll try selling a few of my lil' trinket boxes. (Ones that aren't up.)
As they are small & I wouldn't ask TOO much for 'em-I think...right now. Yeah, and I could put my lil' business card with it. GREAT THINKING...might have to do that now. ^_^

Yeah, my house is just full of random weirdness between my boyfriend & mine's weird LOVES. :)

HERE's hoping it won't RAIN...that's all I ask for.

Take care~

The Queen of Clearance said...

Hello! I hope your garage sale goes well! Good luck! It sucks that the water heater broke...those are expensive! Hope you can get a new one asap.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Queen!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your yard sale and I hope you get a new water heater soon. I've had the same thing happen to me but in winter.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Mejis! Doesn't that suck??? Ooo, and in the winter, yikes!

Take care~

Sullivan McPig said...

Egh... good luck with the water heater. And have fun with the yardsale next weekend!

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Sullivan!

Yeah, hopefully soon (water heater)...we're waiting to see if Mike's cousin is getting the one we're supposed to (maybe) get from his Uncle. Then we'd get it for free & that'd rule...but I want it NOW...;)
