Sunday, June 20, 2010


...wondering if I should completely switch my Blog over to Tumblr. I mean I have really LOVED it here....and making new friends over (almost) the past two years has been SO great. But hm, things seem just a bit more easier at Tumblr. Anyone got one? And if so do they like it better than Blogger? I'm having a hard time deciding because in all honesty, I don't know if I want to continue on here. And jeez, even at Tumblr I have this feeling I wouldn't be posting much. Maybe I'm finally feeling BLOGGED Decisions decisions...and oh yeah opinions opinions PLEASE. ;)

3 Curious people had this to say...:

Sullivan McPig said...

Well, you should do what feels best for you. I myself will stick to blogger as I hate all the moving around

Anonymous said...

Maybe you just need to take a little vacation from blogging. I get burnt out and just stay away for a while. It helps.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Sullivan.

Yeah Mejis, I think you may be right. Hm....
