Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let's Sunday Steal, Wench!

1. Is there someone in your life you know you’d be better off without?

2. Do you get criticized because of your body?

3. Did you kiss the last person you called? was my Mom.

4. When was the last time you danced?
I do NOT dance. :)

5. Do you keep in mind other people’s feelings?
I try my hardest.

6. If you have a hang nail, do you pull it or clip it?

7. Who do you want to forget?
oohhh artcrush....

8. Who was the last person to send you a letter?
I don't know. That means I need to get a letter soon.

9. Who did you last tell to shut up?
I tell that to everyone.

10. What’s the last thing that you smelt that smelt bad?
Umm...driving down to Detroit tonight. Smelt like GARBAGE.

11. What’s your favorite cereal?
The bad kinds with insane amounts of sugar like Cocoa Puffs or Capt N Crunch. But I don't buy 'em very much because of that.

12. How do you feel when people lead you on, but they don’t even like you?

13. Could you live without sunlight?
It would be hard.

14. What’s something you know is bad, but you want to do it anyway?
Really? Oh you know....hahahahahaaa

15. What was the last thing you lied about?
You are asking me to reveal so much Sunday Stealing, jeez.

16. Do you regret anything you’ve done in the past week?
Yes of course.

17. What was the last movie you bought?
Trick R Treat. It was only 5 bucks.

18. What is a sport you would like to do?
None...don't like sports.

19. When was the last time you felt like crying?
Well I cried the other day during a movie....does that count? I mean I felt it and did it.

20. Have you ever wanted to kill someone (not that you actually do it)?
How do you know that I haven't?

1 Curious people had this to say...:

Demented Wench said...

With all this stealing we do we're like a couple of criminals.;)