Thursday, December 22, 2011

Glacier Kingdom and Inspirations

Hey Blogger friends. This is one of my latest paintings "Glacier Kingdom." Currently it's what I see on my wall when laying in bed. I was really happy with the way this one came out. Part of my new technique is trying not to use every bit of the white canvas. It is a challenge but I like that.

Inspirations lately for painting, as well as general interest (whether subconsciously or consciously) have been:
  • the Arctic
  • Mountains
  • Caves
  • Water
  • Stalactites
  • Eskimos
  • Native Americans
  • Icicles...Frost...everything COLD...(thought the weather in Detroit has been unusually warm for this time of year)

This painting is one of several I've done over the past few months that show my new painting style. This is the direction I hope to keep going in. I've definitely felt like I've grown quite a bit as an artist this year. More so than last year. Last year I was still working heavily in mixed media...trying to figure out my painting style. Wondering if I really was a painter...or would I just continue to do mixed media stuff? Though those are paintings too. What I mean is straight up paintings...nothing other than paint on the canvas.

And now I have found a happy-medium. These types of paintings (I will call them my Drip Paintings) still have a lot of texture because well, that has always been a big part of my art. So it has been working...and I'm happy with the direction I'm going into. I feel like it IS a very focused direction. I haven't felt that with my art until now. So it feels really good. ^_^

I hope you're doing well. Happy Holidays!!! Love, Eve

4 Curious people had this to say...:

Caerlyss said...

I really love that, it's just beautiful!

Eve Noir said...

Thank you so much Grrl :)

Demented Wench said...

I like it and the first thing I thought of when I saw it was water (the ocean where it's cold).

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Wench :)