Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alice & Mad Hatter Painting

as many of you know, i love Alice In Wonderland. part of my "theme" here is Wonderland/Looking-Glass, or just pure curiosity if you didn't know by now. so anyways when Alice is combined with something cool, like an awesome director (yes, tim burton), or even when my girl hello kitty is her, i usually love it. and in this case, an artist made something wonderful regarding Alice. i'm speaking about the very talented artist Jasmine Becket-Griffith. she has made some paintings called Gothlings-i actually have the checks. :) i love 'em! and she has also made other gothic art. so this is her original painting called Alice & Mad Hatter. i adore it! what do yous think? i think it's very purrrty, and Alice looks a lil' mad (or maybe it's annoyed?) but that's o.k. cuz she's with a mad person...

I hope you all have a very lovely Thursday. i'm glad because my work week ends tonight, yay! i'll be leaving a couple i won't be blogging there...:(...but i can view your blogs (though i can't comment, ugh) at work. so i am REALLY there...even though i'm not. :)
ta ta.~

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Anonymous said...

i think it's awesome, it would be a great piece to have in a dining room!!


suzanne said...

Beautiful painting!

Alice definitely looks annoyed, as opposed to mad.

. . . and is it just me or does the Mad Hatter bear a striking resemblance to Tom Petty?