Saturday, March 21, 2009

Don't Trust Me Anymore ;}

Over a week back, I said I'd be easing up on the blogging. Yeah, don't ever trust what I say anymore...I think I wrote 15 posts here this week, didn't even count my Goth blog posts. Yikes. I'm a walking, talking (blogging) contradiction. Honestly, I just had that ol' urge to write, & the roomie thing is not moving very quickly. :( But this is what I have done: I've been looking for NOW HIRING signs while I'm out, checking the internet for jobs, I've filled out a couple applications, and I asked for more hours at work. And luckily I'm getting some (isn't enough to NOT need a new roomie, but I think it's atleast something). :) My new schedule starts next week. I'll just be going in a couple hours earlier a couple of days. So, that'll mean less blogging...I think. Again, don't trust me. ;}

The main thing now is: we gotta get our basement in order so it looks nice enough so we can rent it out. Unfortunately, the two friends Mike & I thought would be our best "bets" can't/don't want to move in, so the next step (aka: project basement) is lingering above our heads. Unfortunately, Mike isn't moving very quickly on the situation. He gets very irritated when I tell him we NEED to get his friend over here to help us install plumbing in the bathroom down there...and just to get our basement in order (storage is mainly down there & my art space). So I haven't said too much about it for the past couple of weeks. Plus he was sick all last week so I knew he wouldn't get going on it then. BUT it just feels like time is running out. Joe said he'd be leaving in April or mid-April & that's almost here-where does the time go-so I'm feeling a lil' panicked. It's just my nature.

So again, wish me luck. I just think it's odd that I'm really taking this seriously and Mike is kinda like "Whatever." Very odd. I want to remain living with him and Bibi and would do anything to keep it that way forever. But in the end, the house is in his name so if he wants to lose the house, it's really his issue to deal with. I can only say & do so much. Of course, I don't want to move back home but I'm beginning to see that might not be the end of the world afterall. Just one day at a time, right?

Enjoy your weekend everyone! X's & O's to you for your support & for being the bestest followers around.~

6 Curious people had this to say...:

Diane said...

try to stay positive, no matter what. that way, at least youre not going nutty on top of whatever else.

i've had to move back home for a little while. i lived through it. but, maybe things will work out so you don't have to. either way, just keep doing the best you can everyday. that's what matters.

Eve Noir said...

@ Diane: Thanks, I'll keep trying my best. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I agree with Diane. At least you seem to keeping a level head about things. Insanity never helps matters, but that advice isn't always the easiest to take so congrats on keeping your thoughts together.

I hope all works out well.

Sullivan McPig said...

Maybe it's just his way to deal with it. lots of people hide their concern about something by acting like nothing is wrong.
Good luck on working more hours and such!

Demented Wench said...

I think Sullivan may have hit the nail on the head. And I will continue to trust you except for when you say you won't be blogging. ;)

Eve Noir said...

@ Sullivan: Yes, I believe that to be a little true. Thanks for the comment.

@ Wench: Aw, thanks for trusting me, except when it comes to blogging, ha ha! ^_^

@ Irish: Thanks for your comment as well!

Take care everyone...and yes, I posted today...even w/a headache. What's wrong with me?!? ;}