Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cellphone Pics: Lots of Randomness

A nice picture in the library I work at.

My favorite thing to get done at the Dr's.
Uh, nooo!

At the Dr's...
through the looking-glass.

At my sister's...
through the looking-glass.

What's left of the snow several days back...
all gone now...
it's been raining...
sorta through the car's looking-glass.

If you have nothing nice to say, please...
Cuz it's not even funny.
Ugh, stupid peeps!

Stupidest bumper sticker ever!

A book about my rib and a book about Stalingrad...
I liked the cover of it.

That's my messy handwriting...;}

3 Curious people had this to say...:

Diane said...

that really IS the stupidest bumper sticker of EVER!

and look at you all bored, waiting for the Dr to come in! lol i go NUTTY in that little room with the door closed!

i always like your random cell pics!

Sullivan McPig said...

It's always sad to see snow turn into slush. Great pictures once again!

Dracenea said...

Cool pics. Man you guys got wayyy more snow than we did recently!