But today's post is about going there. Tomorrow, I'll post what I got. Sorry, but it was such a cool store & experience that I HAVE to do two posts! ^_^ I didn't take the picture above, took it from their site but all the pics below I took with my camera phone.

To come tomorrow: the two items I purchased. The MAIN one being something I always wanted, thought was not being sold anymore, and ended up being there. I felt so lucky! This is definitely my new place for toys...no more ordering online (darn shipping prices & waiting days to get my stuff!). And I really love to support shops like this if I can...because they're hard to come by in the area I live in. Check out their site HERE. I don't know why it still says liftfootwear.com....guess they used to sell shoes but there's none in the store now. Just lots & lots of cool toys, art, books, etc... Til tomorrow.~
4 Curious people had this to say...:
Man am I jealous! You got all the cool stuff on your side of the state. *pouting*
we should totally meet up in RO one day!!!! that would be PERFECT!
Me jealous too... Such nice stuff... Very inspiring!!! I love the pirate-skull-guy-thingie. Great! Again; lucky you!
Love the skull ... sweet day girlie!
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