Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why I may be MIA a bit...

Hi friends. Just wanted to give you a heads up. I may not be on here too TOO much (Looking-Glass & FTLOGoth) because I'm concentrating on my new blog A Black and Blue Sky, which I just started last week. It's the blog I always wanted to make but was never very sure if I wanted to get TOO personal, imo. It's more of my personal thoughts/views as well as how my life is living with bipolar disorder. So ALL of you are invited to follow of course. Just wanted to give you all a FYI if I'm not blogging here as much as I have in the past. Take care & have a lovely Tuesday. I'm off to work so adios for now!

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Cynthia said...

Woot! Gracias amiga! I look forward to following! xoxo }:)

Diane said...

hope your new blog is therapuetic for you. you love to write so i'm sure it will be.

i'll be there along the way with you, reading and supporting you!