Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alice & Lewis Carroll Print-signed, yay!

Yay, I got my Alice & Lewis Carroll print in the mail yesterday. And it was signed, as I requested. My first signed artist print-oh boy! I had a choice to get it on the front or back & I chose back because I didn't want the artwork to be 'touched.' Maybe in the future I'd get one with her name & to Eve on the front....maybe.

The artist is Jasmine Beckett-Griffith and her work can be found HERE. She does all types of art from fairies to Alice in Wonderland to gothic girls (& everything inbetween). I have 2 previous prints from her hanging in my living room-one Alice (Steampunk w/clocks)...
and the other is called The Scarlet Sofa
(sofa is just like this one but with a gothic girl on it).

She is definitely one of my fave artists.
And I've talked to her via email a couple times &...
she seems really sweet too!

(Sorry so dark, it's really not THAT dark, my camera=sucky.)
Here it is framed in my bedroom to the left of my tv & entertainment center (w/Dunnys & other toys on it). Lewis Carroll is painted a bit more ghostly than Alice. Meaning: he looks a bit unfinished when you look closely at him (can't really see that in the very top pic)...
but that's kinda cool, I think.

Sooo, my TV is right in front of my bed so I can either glance over at it while watching television or when I'm listening to music (and in my bed)
...or whatever else I might be doing in bed. And get your mind out of the gutters, people! I'm talking about doing art stuff...which I do on my comfy bed sometimes. ;}

Here's the back. Oooo, I like how she signs her name. Can't really make it out, but still very cool. Take care peeps & have a good Wednesday. I'm off to work soon.

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Dracenea said...

You can't say "or whatever else I might be doing in bed" and not have my mind go there. Have you seen my last post? ha ha

Anonymous said...

wow!!! that's sooo cool so glad you finally got it :)