Sunday, July 19, 2009

I really like....

...having the TRAFFIC feed Widget. (Not to stalk my followers because I already know you left a comment-cuz I have the time set up.) It's just that I really like to see where my non-followers are peaking at me from. I love it when it's wayyyyyy far away like Australia or Japan. Seems like I get a lot of viewers from several different European countries...mainly Germany and Great Britain...which I think is cool. But they don't follow me...which makes me sad. :(

And it's interesting to see some of the city names...from anywhere. The MICHIGAN ones are interesting because I'm an EAST-SIDE girl (suburbs of Detroit all my life)...and just had one from CEMENT CITY, Michigan. Wha'''???!!!??? Where the heck is that? I'm going to look it up for sure now! Oh and for you non-Michiganders...did you know there's a HELL here in Michigan? Yes, very true. I want to visit there one's a tiny town from what I've heard.

Oh, and can you believe that you can actually get married there!!? Wouldn't that be interesting? I told my mom IF I were to ever get married, it'd be there. (You can have a nice lil' party & everything...I'd do it on Halloween, that would rule.) She kinda freaked. But a girl once said "It'll be a cold day in HELL before I marry him!" AND this actually happened....the water freezes over in Hell, Michigan quite often in the winter months. And the girl married him. Wonder how things are going now??? Curiouser & curiouser...

5 Curious people had this to say...:

The Queen of Clearance said...

I have never heard of this widget...I want to try do it too!

cindy said...

i'll have to try this widget out!

Anonymous said...

LOL i had seen your widget before but had no clue what it was all about.


Anonymous said...

That would be funny to tell people that you got married in Hell.

Eve Noir said...

Yes, everyone check out this very cool Widget.

Mejis- I know, it's funny...but I'd wonder if in 20 years from now if I would think it was funny...(thinking), YES it would still be funny! :)