Friday, July 3, 2009

Made a new blog...

...and it's a personal & mental illness blog. If you ever looked at my Black & Blue blog, it's like that. Oh,....And I'm not using the name EVE there. You see, I don't want 'certain' people to know about it...(most my family/friends/co-workers know I use the name EVE on here-and I don't mind that so much)....I just don't want some of my family members, friends, and co-workers to have access to it. Just because.....

SO, if you'd like to "follow" please do either of these things:
1-put your email addy in my comments & I will email you the super secret blogspot addy....


2-email me directly (at and I will send you the addy-oh, please say who you are too (your bloggy name, ok?). Whatever way you'd like...that is, if you'd like to follow. If not, no big deal. Just wanted to send out a FYI.

Adios for now~

3 Curious people had this to say...:

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Queen! ^_^

I'll send you the link soon.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks ladies! I'll be sending the link over to both of you soon!

Eve Noir said...

Dear Queen, Cindy, and Mejis-

I deleted your emails...for privacy. OK!?? Just wanted to let ya know! ;)