Monday, August 31, 2009


...this computer is acting odd and won't let me go on FaceBook now. I'm telling you, it's this crazy laptop!!!

So maybe, just maybe, I'll have to do that self-indulgent post I spoke of before. I'll see how it goes tomorrow. But I honestly expect FB to be the same...cuz well, cuz this laptop wants to ruin me! Mu ha ha ha....

Take care friends & maybe, just maybe, a BIG OL' self-indulgent post will be coming your way very soon.


BTW: New COMMENTS will not be moderated...once again. And again, it's just because it's easier for me at the moment. I know it's not really a big deal...but just wanted to let you all know that "Yes, I have been messing with the options again." Adios~

4 Curious people had this to say...:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the laptop has a virus on it.

Eve Noir said...

I'm thinking so. My room mate didn't 'protect' this computer...which I don't get. And I was able to go on to FB today but VIRUS crap came up. So it can get protected properly...just need him to look at it. Because I'm not messing around with his stuff...and I really know nothing about that crap anyways.

Ugh, oh well! Take care~

permanentcloud said...

hope you resolve your computer issues soon! :)

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Cindy. Ugh, with these technical issues...and enough already I say. I don't mean to write about 'em...just doesn't seem to go away. Here's hoping our newly built computer won't have problems like this one does. Our old computer was very faithful...sad it's gone...but it shall be kinda reborn soon!

Take care friends~