Thursday, January 28, 2010

This artist has inspired me lately...

...her name is Laurie Maitland...
and she's an abstract expressionist from Britain.
The picture below (Resonance in Red),
I purchased (well, the print) for dirt cheap at a Michaels going-out-of-business-sale.
I love it lots but my FAVORITE piece that I've seen so far of hers is the one's called Constellations II.

Her pieces have inspired me to paint more and put the glue gun on the back burner...
especially when making my ATC's (artist trading cards).
And YES, one day I will post pics of those...
once we get the part we need for this computer.
(Hoping this weekend!)
Enjoy her beautiful art work.
~Take care~

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Sullivan McPig said...

Very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Always good to know my work is inspirational.
Thank you
Laurie Maitland