Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sugar & Spice mixed media piece

Hiya. How was your weekend? Mine was good...short, but good. ;)

Well, I've been working on this piece above for several days and it is officially done now. I wanted to work with these doll faces I received as a nice (awesome!) gift from my artist friend Lynn. She was so thoughtful to grab a bunch of different doll, animal, etc...faces for me at a cool little place in Missouri. Thanks Lynn, you rule!

So these faces were actually really hard to apply to this canvas panel. I tried not using any glue or anything (besides paint) to hold 'em in place...a new thing I've been trying to see if stuff sticks. Sometimes it does, sometimes it don't. Trial & error basically. They are very thin & delicate faces (very old I would also guess!) so yeah, they didn't stay in place.

So I had to use the glue gun, which was fine...I just didn't want to end up using a ton & "ruin" the look of the faces. I like the way it turned out in the end.

On this 11 x 14 canvas panel (which I also framed) I used: plastic doll faces, acrylic paint (lots as you can see from the texture), glitter, hot glue, and....

...THUMBTACKS. I don't know why but I just have this thing for 'em. I like the way they look dried. Also, when I (literally) pile 'em on to the piece, they will end up turning point up because of all the paint holding 'em down...which I think is sweeeeeet!

Basically this piece is about the old saying "Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice." And yeah, I added a pinch of real sugar & spice to the piece when it was almost dried. Just because. ;)

Enjoy your week!~

3 Curious people had this to say...:

Sullivan McPig said...

Very cool! Great job once more.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Sullivan! ;)

Demented Wench said...

For some reason I can see a mental picture of a similar piece made with clown faces... Now that would be creepy. ;)