Friday, September 2, 2011

Goodbye Past, Hello Future

Learning how to part with your artwork.
It's as important as creating the art.
I know many artists have a hard time parting with their work.
Because it can be very difficult.
So many emotions get put into your art.
But overall, I do LOVE it when someone owns a piece of my art.
I like it when it means something to someone else.
I feel like it's no longer mine physically or mentally.
I understand that a bit better now.

And I love giving it away as gifts too.
I even leave it places every now & then.
{like the picture above, left somewhere today}
It happened to be in my car.
And I had to make space for two huge canvases.
So I left it in a sorta symbolic way...
to say Goodbye to tiny art works I've been making for a while.

And Hello to BIG works to come.
In size....but I'm hoping more so in meaning.

Because I have a clearer vision of the direction I want to go as an artist now.
The People's Arts Festival and the two other shows I was in this month helped with that.
And this is a really good feeling.
I've been waiting for this.
The feeling that you are growing as an artist.
I've only been doing shows for 2 years now...
though I've been making art for about 12 years.
So I guess this art show stuff is relatively new.

Also, I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts yesterday...
and it always gets me thinking.
What do I want to leave behind as an artist?
What do I have to say?
What would I like future generations to see on the walls of the DIA?
Or any museum for that matter?
Not just talking about my own work...
the work that is going on right now in the art world.

You have to take into consideration the past...
the present...
and of course the future.
That's what artists do whether they realize it or not.

2 Curious people had this to say...:

Demented Wench said...

Seeing your painting in the middle of the weeds, chain link fence, and pavement brightened my day. :)

Eve Noir said...

Aww thanks Wench. :)