Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Make a Difference Day

                                           (my print from artist Brandi Milne, love!)

1.  What is the favorite piece of art you own.
A print by artist Brandi Milne

2.  The most expensive bill you paid last month.
Credit card bill

3.  What’s the last thing you apologized for?
Not holding up my end of the bargin

4.  If you could do today over, would you change anything?
No...it's going ok

5.  What is the largest TV screen in your house?
They are all about the same size

6.  What did you buy today?
Nothing but I think I may buy some Lebanese food after work

7.  I wish I had ____
A snack!

8.  How many photos did you take today?

9.  Last thing you wanted and didn’t get.
A dress and a jacket

10.  What was the last new thing you tried?
Probably some sort of food

11.  Who is your hero?

12.  Today I feel really secure knowing ____
I have a job..car...home

13.  Whose life did you make a difference in today?
The patrons coming in the building

14.  What would have made today perfect?
Iced coffee!!

15.  Did you thank anybody today?
No but I'm sure I will!

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