Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quick post because...

...I have to get home soon. I'm at work still. And the weather in DETROIT is terrible. (We were just going through a bit of a heat wave & now this crap happens!) So the weather is rainy/thunder & lightning/looking-like-tornado crap....especially on the east side, where I live. And I just called Mike on his cell and he told me we have no power-just great! >_<

So once I leave here, I'm headed home (and hopefully the rain/wind/etc... won't make the roads terribly slow) and then if we STILL don't have power we are (Yay!) going out to eat...@ Ruby Tuesdays (if I can find that BOGO free coupon)...then I might head over to my parents' house because my dad is going to help me make business cards for my ETSY shop, yay again! I was going to go tomorrow but today will work too...especially if we'll be in the spooky dark at our house!

Oh and a lil' FYI, I just finished a few (yes 3!!!) new pieces for my shop. I've been working on 2 for a while...trying to get 'em right (well, for me). And it's funny cuz I wasn't thinking about AMERICA or July 4th/Fourth of July or anything. And all 3 pieces (two boxes-one a cigar box, the other a round box-and also a frame with a small mirror) have RED WHITE and BLUE as their colors. So maybe (just maybe) someone will feel like being buying a I HEART USA box or mirror...well, they don't actually say that but you know what I mean. (Actually, only one has USA on it & it's inside the box).

I will post those pics soon. I think they came out well & I won't be touching 'em...they are 100% complete. (I tend to have that problem where I think something needs more but really I should not even think about touching it!)

Well, I better go. Mike is getting anxious for me to get home (though I am dreading to go out in this crazy rainy/windy weather) he can get out of the darkness. Well, atleast he's got Bibi...awww, we'll be taking her with us (not to the restaurant but to one of parent's homes).

Take care friends & chat with you when I get some POWER at home.
@_@ (Eve being mad for no power!)

4 Curious people had this to say...:

Sullivan McPig said...

Egh... hope the nasty weather is over soon. Take care!

cindy said...

can't wait to see your new pieces! and i hope everything is back in order at your house soon with the power and all!

Anonymous said...

I hate when the power goes out. They take forever to get it back on here in the sticks.
Can't wait to see your new art pieces. You have a great sense of color!

Eve Noir said...

Thanks everyone!

MEJIS- Thanks so much for the nice compliment! ^_^