Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The WINNER of my giveaway is...


...from the lovely blog Twas the Brillig and the Slithy Toves. Her guess was $7.07 and the correct answer was $8.98. (Oh & if you already haven't, please check out her cool blog!) All that participated (which I greatly appreciate) guessed much higher, so sometimes it's just good to go with a lower guess...but then again sometimes not. Either way it worked this time around for CINDY. Please give her BIG Congrats! Also she will be getting an extra special (small) piece of hand-altered art made by me in her prizepack. I hope she's curious about that. Hint Hint: It is a very useful item for us ladies. ;}

I don't know when my next giveaway will be but I will try to mix it up (on what to do) each time. I liked this one with the answer being forwards & backwards. Thanks for thinking a bit differently for this one my peeps! I thought it was a cool idea. ^_^

All I need from you Cindy is your home address. Please send it my way at my gothiclolita@innocent.com email address. And then I'll be packing & shipping it on its merry way as soon as I get your info. ^_^

Thanks again everyone & big big BIG congrats from me to you Cindy!

BTW: Sorry I did this post a bit early...I'm just wayyyyy too tired today. OH MY, I stayed up so late last night & now I MUST pay for it. I'm planning on taking a mid-day nap....so I'm doing this from the (back) work computers (where students/patrons can use the internet).

OK, adios & be chatting with you soon!!!~

5 Curious people had this to say...:

Diane said...

congrats to cindy!! whoo hooooo!

cindy said...


I have like never won anything in my entire life! Thanks so much!!!!!

And I'll be emailing you right away!!!
This just totally made my day! :D

Eve Noir said...

CINDY- Yayyyy to you! Glad it made your day. :)

Dracenea said...

Yay, Cindy!

Anonymous said...

way to go cindy!!!
