Monday, July 13, 2009

More Random Cell Pics...& The Dead Weather-get it!

Let the randomness BEGIN....

First up is my baby baby baby-it's BIBI!!!
You see,
she is sooooo not a morning creature...
just like her mom!

Awesome piece of art at LIFT (art gallery & toy store)
in Royal Oak called...
The Dunny Inside.

My sparkly PINK shoes in the looking-glass @ LIFT.

Audrey's painting at LIFT.
Really LOVE this one!

In the window at LIFT...

...that has a record player on his head.

Found this person's street art many o' times in Royal Oak but recently found it around my ol' stomping Record Time in Roseville.

In Royal Oak....I wanna live HERE.

Probably the OLDEST street art/flier EVER seen by my eyes...
@ Record Time. In their parking lot.
Look at the old old typing....wowweeee!!!

PLEASE DOMO, do not be mad at me for NOT getting you!
One day...

Found at my work.
Just LOVED the title.
And seemed like an interesting book.

Enjoy your day everyone.
{Thinking as if it's tomorrow...well, 30 minutes til it's July 14.}
Make sure to go out & buy...
The Dead Weather's debut CD.
It's got Jack White drumming/singing...
and my girl, Allison, from The Kills singing too.
Can't wait to get it tomorrow.
Support music you HEART...

Adios for now~

10 Curious people had this to say...:

The Queen of Clearance said...

did you buy those glitter shoes? They are so cute! Also your doggie is sooo cute!

Sullivan McPig said...

Easter Domo was very excited to see another Domo! And love the Audrey art piece. Looked at your other post with the Sticky and sweet pics and her art is very beautiful.

cindy said...

okay, for starters, your dog is perfectly precious.

and your shoes are totally awesome!!!

as for domo, i am in love with him. i want to buy him every time i go to target, but i try to reason with myself. i NEED to save money...but he's so...CUTE!!

Eve Noir said...

Thanks everyone~

Queen- Yes, got 'em at TARGET for only $5! Great deal, right!?? And they're Converse. Thanks about Bibi.

Sullivan- Yeah that is BIG Domo. Atleast the biggest I've ever seen...and he's poseable! Yay!

Cindy- Aww, thanks. ;) I wore those shoes to Audrey's art show. As it was burning HOT, and took out the ol' shorts too (rare thing).

AND Yes, CINDY, you should get a Domo. They are tooooo cute. Just ask Sullivan. ;} Let's see...I have Easter Domo, Vampire Domo, Pink Domo...regular Domo...very addicting lil' creature!

Jennylee said...

can we go to lift sometime ?

Eve Noir said...

Jenny- I will go there ANYTIME with you! ;}

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Ah, your dog is sooooo cute! I agree with both of you on the morning thing....morning is EVIL.

I wish I was close enough to take a trip with you to The Lift. Looks like a cool place.

Thanks for sharing your pictures!


Anonymous said...

I love the book title! Wonder if it's a good read, too.

Eve Noir said...

Thanks for the words ladies!

Frog Queen- Yes, morning & me just don't mix & never will! OH Yeah, LIFT is lots of art to look at, and LOTS & LOTS of Toys. You can't be unhappy in that store, I swear!

Mejis- I browsed that book & it looked pretty good. Maybe I'll read it some day!

Demented Wench said...

I don't believe that there are any dogs who are morning fur people.