Wednesday, September 30, 2009

wonders if...

anyone has noticed my song??? don't pause it, you'll get 7 years of bad luck. kidding. but did you hear it? but did you like it? well, you better! ;) i've been listening to Dead Man's Bones pretty non-stop. i love "buried in water." that's a really good one. i know it's weird to think of ways you may die but i think i may die from water. maybe because i have an intense fear of deep water. deep water because i can't swim in it. you know, if i can't put my feet to it, then it's deep!

which is weird to REALLY like a song about being buried in water...but i just think it's really beautiful. i blame my mom for not teaching me to swim...but it really wasn't her fault. because she can't swim either. terrible i know. and i always have weird (and sometimes terrifying) dreams of deep water. ok, i just wanted to ramble a bit before bed. night friends.~

5 Curious people had this to say...:

Irish Chick Soup said...

I have this tendency of opening all the blogs I'm planning to read at once so I was sitting here reading through my list and I kept hearing this noise... so I turned up my volume a little and was like "Why is Ryan Gosling serenading me? I'm not asleep." ;P

Hammie Hamster said...

Hello Eve!

Snail mail on the way :-)!. Could take a while, this snail mail has to cross the ocean to arrive at your mailbox! (Because we live close to Sullivan and Coco and their owners)

Gea and Hammie

Eve Noir said...

Hi Gea and Hammie. Thanks for stopping by. Snail mail for me. Wow, thank you. I'm looking forward to it.

Take care.

@ Irish- Yay, you heard it. You're funny...yes, he was serenading you. ;)

The Queen of Clearance said...

I always pause songs. lol. I normal watch tv as I check blogs so they conflict! So i think Im running up like 234325 years of bad luck with your blog :)

tracy said...

i love the "My Bodie's a Zombie for You"....does the other one play? i would love to hear it!