Friday, October 2, 2009

It's official, I'm in!!! + Update @ 3 PM

The piece I made for DAMNED II art show.
Of course there's a mirror!

Female Baggage

Bruised Girl

Yay, just found out this morning that "Bruised Girl" has been accepted for the Damned II show. Wow! You have no idea how excited I am! ;) But I have to say it still makes me curious about my other piece, Female Baggage. I submitted that one a good two months before Bruised in my registration form I asked if I would've been notified about both at the same time. So I'm hoping they'll answer...if not, it's fine. Having something in is far better than nothing in, right???

And I know most (if not all) of my followers are not from Michigan...but if you were I would say "Please go!" But just because I want to support the show I put a nice flyer of theirs at the bottom of my page. Please check it out...that's for the second night of it.

I read a little of the things that you (the artist who's work got accepted) get for getting into Damned...and it's pretty sweet. I get a VIP pass (wooooo) and I get the special catering and access to the bar. Wow, I feel so special. Now I have to find a date. My friend Juno said she'd go so I wonder if she'll stay true to her word. OK, now I'm off to bounce off a few walls. I honestly didn't expect this to happen...especially knowing SO many submissions were being looked through. Can't help but to feel really really REALLY good!

Take care~

UPDATE: Sometimes it pays to ask questions. Because I did indeed get Female Baggage into the show also. The man responding said he took a closer look and "loved" it. Yes, he said that, awesome! So that will be there too. And because you guys know I love to make collages I'm going to be selling merch too (cuz you can do that also!) in their shop. I'm going to make some notecard collages. So hm, maybe this is the start of something really good.
Talk to you all soon.

9 Curious people had this to say...:

Anonymous said...


tracy said...

Wow, Eve, congratulations! i'm sooo excited for you! Wish i could go, but i'm clear down here in Virginia! Have a "Wonder"-ful time!!

Demented Wench said...

Congratulations. :)

Eve Noir said...

Thank you ladies! :)

The Queen of Clearance said...

oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so so so very proud of you! I know how much this means to you! Congrats! p.s. why cant your man be your date?

cindy said...

very exciting news! :)

this could potentially open up a lot of options for you as an artist and gain you some more exposure, so who knows where you'll go from here?

Eve Noir said...

Thanks Queen & Cindy!

Queen- Mike could be my date of course but for the first night, it's on a weekday & I'm unsure if he will want to stay goes on until midnight.

Cindy- ^_^ Yes, I'm hoping it will open up some more options for me too.

And I really am shocked because as I said the chances were slim (700 pieces submitted...narrowing it down to roughly 70 artists). So I'm happy and I know it will be a fun couple of nights!~

Irish Chick Soup said...

I was going to say, man, why not Female Baggage? That one really stuck out in my head when you first showed it.

Sullivan McPig said...
