Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aloha Friday

Happy Friday to you all. And happy Aloha Friday to those who participate in it. Aloha Friday is all about taking it easy and looking forward to the weekend. Posting is supposed to be kept easy this day as well (but I break that rule...a lot!). So here's the story: I ask YOU a fairly easy question that doesn't require much thinking, you answer, and you can go to An Island Life to play along too. That's it! Easy enough, right?!!

So my question this week is: What is something you absolutely can't stand-food or drink wise-and people (family, friends, boyfriends, husbands) always forget you don't like it? Or if you can't answer that (I know it's a lil' more of a complex question), simply what food/drink do you find gross & why?

My answer: I despise tomatoes. I have since as long as I can remember. My parents don't ever seem to remember this, which I find strange because my dad even grows 'em in his backyard. As for anything else that I really think is gross is: beer. Yes, I don't know why people like beer. I don't even know how to describe the taste because the smell alone makes me sick. And again, my dad drinks beer & my 3 siblings love beer also. I just don't get it. OK, now your turn! ;}

11 Curious people had this to say...:

Anonymous said...


Alicia said...

I am highly allergic to nuts and you would like most of my family would remember that since I was BORN that way. But not lately. They offer me up things with nuts and then what makes it worse it I cant stand the peanut butter smell. It makes me nauseous. They always are giving me reese cups and to me those are nasty. Dont judge I have never been able to have peanut butter.

Dee said...

I'm just not a huge meat eater..I'm not against it...I just don't really care for different meats. I'll eat chicken, steak, and a hamburger..but other than that I don't really want it. Hubby is always wanting lamb..or duck..or some other stuff like that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't like brussel sprouts!

Jaime said...

bananas. it's not that i hate them. i'm allergic. and since it's a fairly abnormal allergy, my friends and hubby's family always forgets

sues2u2 said...

I absolutely can't stand spaghetti although I love pasta. I know, it's pretty odd & I have no idea why I like the one but not the other.

Sullivan McPig said...

I agree on the beer, can't stand it either.
As for me: people always try to make me eat pork and don't even consider it rude. I wonder how they'd feel if I offered them a sandwich with human meat on it.

Mr. Macabre said...

Carrots. I have tried to like carrots but can't stand them and my mother keeps asking if I want them on my salad, side dishes, etc. I keep telling her she has known me for 44 years and not once have I liked carrots!
I don't like wine as a drink as a rule. I don't understand the fascination with it, it tastes nasty to me. Probably because I'm allergic to sulfites and I end up sick after a glass.

Dracenea said...

I concur with you on the beer and fresh tomatoes. I like tomatoes in salsa though.

Well as you know, I have a lot of stomach problems. They are exacerbated by stress and let's face it, family is stressful. So when I'm around my family, I don't eat a thing. They always give me a hard time and try to get me to eat something. They just don't get it!

I have a friend who is lactose intolerant and her family is always making stuff with dairy in it and they'll try to make her eat it. They'll say, "Oh, it just has a little bit of milk in it. You can have it." Nice.

BTW, I loved Sullivan McPig's comment. I'm with ya' buddy. People can be so insensitive.

sAm said...

I'm late...sorry...but I feel a need to take it easy today so I'm going to join.
Olives. I don't like them, even drowned in a martini. Yuch.