That's right. It's time for another GIVEAWAY. This time it's in celebration of my Blog's 6 month anniversary, yay!!! It's been six (kinda felt short) months that THIS blog has been up. (As well as an early celebration of me opening my very own Etsy art shop, which will happen hopefully soon.) I was originally going to do something completely that idea will be for my 1 year Looking-Glass Anniversary. That one will require YOU all to do some kinda-harder-thinking. This giveaway does require SOME thinking though...cuz it's another HOW MUCH $MONEY$ is in my piggy bank giveaway again. SO, I dumped out the money T.PIG (my piggy bank) ate and you can see it by my silly pillow (when you get to it shortly). The pillow is from a brand called Oopsy Daisy.
So this is the OOPS, I lost my head! GIVEAWAY. You won't be guessing to win that pillow, it's mine-hand's off or OFF with your head! Ha ha...kidding. But you will be winning a lovely prizepack that includes a couple Oopsy Daisy items. But FIRST, the rules. These rules will probably be the same ones for all my giveaways, for future notice.
So here they are before you see the pic below and guess:
1-The MOST important one is always first. You MUST be a follower of my blog(s). So if you are a follower of Through Eve's Looking-Glass, For the Love of Goth, or my personal blog as well, then YES, you can participate. If you just join my blogs to try to win this giveaway, you will not win. (I don't have too many followers so I will know this.) Sorry but I don't think that's very nice.
2-Ahh, so sorry for this one but shipping is very VERY pricey sometimes. So this GIVEAWAY applies to USA followers only.
3-You need to put your guess on this post and only THIS post. So if you're from my other blogs, you need to put it HERE...o.k.? Thanks.
4-You MUST promise to buy a piece of my art when I open an ETSY shop.........What did she say!?? No no no, I'm just kidding but it'd be NICE if you atleast wished me a happy 6 month Blog-iversary....;} Not many peeps did....:(
5-This is an important one. You need to have your guess in by next Tuesday night @ 7 PM (Eastern Time). That's June 9th. I will do my very best to announce the winner THAT night...if not, it'll be up the next day, Wednesday June 10th. (*Some things are subject to change...just a lil' FYI...if I add something else, k? Thanks for understanding in advance. Like me changing the day I will 'close' the giveaway-which is what it is at now.)
So that concludes the rules! Now that the not-so-fun stuff is out of the way, it's time for the much more fun stuff-first, HOW to play this game!Here lies the change T.PIG ate over the past month. This giveaway's twist is that the correct answer is one that can be read the same backwards and forwards. Some examples of this are (and No, none of these are the correct answers): 2.22 or 6.36...or 11.11 or 15.51. Like that. Get the idea? OK, good. Then if you guess correctly without going over the amount, you WIN! Now for the PRIZEPACK...
2 Oopsy Daisy purses-a bumblebee & pirate one, those Trick or Treat (kids meals) toys which light up and are of a cat, penguin, and turtle-one is a cowboy and the other two are a bumblebee & pirate animal (cute & cool, right?!), a wallet-to put in your new purse(s), Hello Kitty earrings and sacks of stickers, nail decals, Deery-Lou charms, a Dirty Girl purse pal, cartoon DVD of Hans Christian Andersen (heck yes, dollar store for your cheesy movies & cartoons!), more stickers...
hmm, think that's about it besides one last special thing-a couple CD's (in that black Kurmoi CD holder) that I made especially for my followers.
OH & for a NICE extra bonus, if you GUESS exactly right, I will throw in a small box I've been working on for my Etsy shop. Woo hoo, right!?? (Well, even if you're pretty close, I'll prob send you one regardless.) :}
That is also another reason I'm doing this giveaway. I will be working on making art, coming up with the right prices, my Etsy shop can get a rollin' I will probably post here & there still...just not too too much over the next week or 2 atleast. Again if I'm MIA (which I've already broke that by posting a couple times now) just know I am seriously working on my BIG new project aka: Etsy shop called Eve's Wonderland: Curious Art for Curiouser People, like the name??? Think that's what it will be called.
I hope you enjoy playing this game & please enjoy your weekend. I'm off to Michael's (craft store) to return some stuff shortly.
Adios my curious friends.~
13 Curious people had this to say...:
I have the first guess...$12.21.
Cool prize package!
I wished ya' a Happy Anniversary before but I'll do it again...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
DRACENEA- Thanks. I changed it but it's fitting for the 1/2 year blogiversary.
Awww, you did, didn't you!?! Well, thanks again! ^_^
Guess where I'm going to in 2 minutes?!? Our fave place-Michaels. Woo hoooooo!
Take care.~
$7.07...I'm probably way off the mark, but I'm clueless. And happy blogoversary!!!!
a very merry un-blogiversary to you!
DIANE- Um, did you read the rules? You can guess again if you'd like-but it's your last guess lady! :)
ok sweet i get a re-do!
i totally missed that part!! i'm so easily distracted (off my meds!)
here's my REAL guess:
gonna stick close to my first guess!
Congrats on your 6 months! and on opening your etsy. I LOVE etsy!!!
Oh gosh I'm SO bad at guessing but here goes:
ROBIN- Thank you for stopping by and for the nice comment. But my rules said 1-only followers of this/other blogs I write can guess and 2-you must not have read the rules correctly because I asked for a certain way to guess. Sorry.
Good luck to all who try to guess.
And just in case I was so distracted by my own looming 6 month anniversary I forgot to say it: Congrats on 6 month of blogging Eve!
SULLIVAN- Thanks. I think you did say it but another time is just as great!
You know I always feel bad about these giveaways when it comes to my overseas friends/followers. :( Wish shipping didn't have to be like that, ugh!
Have a good rest of the weekend.~
oh my!! i swear i thought i said happy... but i looked through the blogs i commented on SORRY but its never too late right???!!
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!! hope there is much more to come :)
i will be guessing soon too still thinking about it LOL
ROXY- It's ok. Thank you for the late wishes...and yes, it's never too late!
Hmm...I was wondering why you didn't take a guess. ;}
OK, but it's MUST be in by Tuesday, k? Thanks & ttyl.~
ok here it is
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