Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hanging out with Jenny, Pure Trance, and Fortune Pork Toys

You will soon learn about FORTUNE PORK...
it's something really cool & cute.
Made by KidRobot, as usual...
and the toys were cute as was the packagaing.

Sooo...here's a lil' about when I took Jenny for the 1st time...
to LIFT art gallery/toy store.
We also ate and walked around...
picks of my COOL finding will come soon.

But in the meantime, here's some pics...
from our little journey to Royal Oak...
We ate at Noodles & Company which is really good.
I got the Pesto Cavatappi...
Jenny got something Asian I think...and spicy.
Very good food. I would definitely go back.
She was 20...I was lucky number 13, yay!!!
Cuz they bring the food to your table-
how cool & nice!

Mine is the green one...looks a lil' odd but was very good!

So, after we ate, we opened my two blindboxed toys.
I got another Pure Trance toy (my last I swear!)...
and now I have four...all different, very cool!

And I got the COOL girl figure...
that I REALLY REALLY wanted...
the most...
above all the other Pure Trance toys.
Jenny is beginning to become my good luck charm...
I let her open my boxes...
since she didn't get anything at LIFT.
Was VERY fun watching her....
and I didn't mind...
cuz Lord knows that...
I have opened quite a lof of blind boxed toys! ;}

Here's me holding my Fortune Pork (Series 2) blind box.
Wonder what's inside?
These are 3 inch Mini Plush Toys.

Part 1: taking the foil wrapper out of the box.
(Technically this is part two...
Jenny opened it with a knife from the bottom...
IDK how I skipped over loading it...)

And I got...
A purple lil' pup called Ruffty...ruff ruff!!!
I think he's very cute!

Each toy/character has small lil' story.
Which I love.
Jenny is telling me about Ruffty...
and he sounds just like Bibi.
A very loving doggie...awww.

Curious about this pic below???
Can you guess what I'm holding???
Can you guess WHERE I bought it from?...
HINT: came from Royal Oak.
From the ___ store.


Oh and don't I look so seductive with my lollipop!??
ha ha...
Guess you're gonna have to wait and see.
Take care~

13 Curious people had this to say...:

cindy said...

looks like a fun time! :) why are you holding a fake arm? lol

Eve Noir said...

Yes, it was!

Um...you'll have to wait and see...


Jennylee said...

i look all slothy in my pictures

The Queen of Clearance said...

Looks like fun! I have tried everything on the noodle and company menu and I have a hard time finding something bad there! My fav is the wisconsin mac and cheese though! I love it! You got some awesome stuff there...esp the zombie looking arm :)

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Looks like a great day. Getting new toys is always a good thing.


tracy said...

Yay! Good times! Wish i could have been there, sigh. Love the pic's, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I like the name...Fortune Pork. lol

Eve Noir said...

Jennylee...what did i tell you? and look at my squinting eyes???

i'll call you slothy...
you call me squinty!

Sullivan McPig said...

Oooh! a zombie arm?!
And I think the doggy thing is cute, but I'm not too fond of the name of the toys. don't like anything with the name pork in it I must say, makes me think of things I don't want to think about *shudders*

Demented Wench said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun and the food looks yummy. Why does everyone always post pictures of yummy looking food?

Eve Noir said...

Sullivan- IDK why it's called that...but it shows the piggie with a lil' heart on his behind...awww. So I don't think they are saying it in a cruel way...my guess. (I thought you'd like it...:(

UM, not really a zombie arm. It's a mannequin arm...guess it looks kinda zombie-ish. You'll see when I post the pics of the...body parts! Oooo...


Eve Noir said...

Hi Wench- Thanks for stopping by. I didn't mean to show you very tasty food! ;)

Yeah, it was fun...I REALLY needed a girls night out AND I am willing to show ANYONE my fave toystore. ^_^


Sullivan McPig said...

Well, if they don't mean meat when using the p word then I'm ok with it :-)