Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Skelanimal Shirt

I wanted to show it since I deleted it in the other post (on accident, I swear!). I like the colors and I LOVE the safety pins. I heard Hot Topic will probably not be carrying Skelanimals any more (a rumor, I'm not 100%)...but it's not the end of the world because it looks like TARGET picked up Skelanimals. Wooohooooo!!! Well, atleast for their Halloween theme this year and I'm sooooooo sooooo sooooo excited. (I took a bunch of pics and those will come on an eventual post.)
As I said in a FaceBook comment, Target has Hello Kitty, TokiDoki, Domo, and now Skelanimals-wow! I probably don't need to go to any other store at this point! I HEART Target...they rule!
Take care~

4 Curious people had this to say...:

Demented Wench said...

Target is where all the cool people are anyway. ;)

The Queen of Clearance said...

I love target too. They seem to really be branching out in too all different things, thats good! Love the shirt!

Sullivan McPig said...

It's really cool! (Carien is jeaulous). Here shirts like that are not in stores you have to order them at internet stores. WE have seen a really cool Hippo skelanimal plushie, but they are so expensive! Although Carien will probably cave and buy a skelanimal backpack no matter the cost

cindy said...

cute shirt! :)