Made this Skeleton mask last night. I mean painted it...didn't make the actual mask. I'm not sure if I'm finished with it or not yet. I'm thinking maybe... The pic above is with no flash. And the picture below is with the flash. Think I want to buy one or two more masks...they're from Michaels. There's not string on the back to wear it though. Doesn't actually fit well on my, not sure if it's supposed to be a wearable mask or just for decoration around the house. Hm....
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday, friends.~
11 Curious people had this to say...:
that mask is...Creepy and pretty at the same time. lol. It looks all shinny and pretty and then it looks a little scary as welL! Good job!
Thanks Queen. Yeah, that was my intention exactly! ;)
Wow! Very impressive, creepy and cool!
i love this! so creepy! :)
Thanks Sullivan & Cindy! :)
Pretty! I love skulls!
the mask is pretty awesome and i really really like the pic you took without flash :)
Thank you Mejis & Roxy!
Those masks are wonderful! You did a great job on them. :)
Oh, sparkly....I like :)
Thanks Wench & Frog Queen! :)
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