No, your eyes are not deceiving themselves, that is REALLY my underwear. But don't worry I haven't worn 'em yet. ;) So aren't they the coolest? I especially like the ones on the left-they have garters on 'em (so so cool) and lace...oooo. And the other pair glows in the dark, sweeeet! So as you may already know this giveaway is NOT TOO LATE to get in on. 3 people have one vote and 1 person has 2 anything can still happen. So how this part of the giveaway works...
- I just need you to guess the price of both pairs of panties-combined total, don't worry about sales tax this time. And you can't go over the total price of course. And for the hint: the black pair cost double the amount of the orange pair. Well, the orange pair is off by ONE CENT, but that's pretty much double to me. And sorry ladies, these won't be won in the overall giveaway prizepack. My main reason is whomever wins, I couldn't ever guess their size. I mean what if I offended someone by giving 'em a big ol' pair of underwear? LOL. But you know what I mean.
- Sooo, I will reveal the winner a bit later today. It's about 1:10 PM (Eastern Time) I'll give you to around 6 or 7 PM (so that's a decent amount of time I think). So if I only get one guess, that person will win. Because like I said before, I'm whipping out these giveaway parts like there's no tomorrow (for a reason...that is IF you read my previous post...which I hope you did or I'll be sad!). AND I just might do another part (of the longest giveaway ever) at the time I reveal the winner of Part 5. Depends. But it will be posted around the same time IF I decide to.
- Well, good luck guessing and the winner of this post will be revealed in a little while. Take care & Happy Sweetest Day too! Does this 'holiday' apply to the entire US, or is it just a weird Michigan holiday? Was never sure...
5 Curious people had this to say...:
and those are really cool btw!
I cant believe I missed this one! geesh!
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