Thursday, September 2, 2010

Awesome ART Giveaway...on another Blog

Patricia Anders "Monster Who Swallowed A Hair Ball"

Hey friends. Just wanted to drop a line saying you really should visit a blog I frequent to participate in a GREAT art giveaway. I also entered the giveaway. And I'm blogging about it to spread the word (and also get an extra vote in the process). So please pass this giveaway info along to your followers as well if they like cool & creepy art.

So the picture above is by the awesome artist who is doing the giveaway, Patricia Anders. You will see why THIS picture is a key element to the giveaway if you visit & participate in her giveaway found HERE. Tell her Eve sent you, lol.

Ciao for now!~

3 Curious people had this to say...:

tanders said...

perfect Eve thank you so much!!

tanders said...


Eve Noir said...

My pleasure Tricia! I love spreading the word on AWESOME stuff.