Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sunday Stealing: Shannon's Moments Meme, Part Two

23. Have you ever gone to the “dark side”?   yes, it's always dark here

24. What shirt are you wearing right now?  an army green colored one with a black cardigan 

25. What’s important about a bed to you? Like type of sheets, size or whatever.  i'm not too picky...but size should be a full or queen....and anything but flannel sheets, too hot with those! 

26. Can you sing?  a little, but it's been a while 

27. What is something about you that would surprise us?  i don't know! 

28. Have you been a pirate, Renaissance Fair, or other costumed event? If not, would you for the right event or say cause?  yes ren fair 

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?  none 

30. Favorite girl's name?  ava 

31. Favorite boy's name?  shawn 

32. What’s in your pocket or purse right now?  wallet keys makeup  

33. Last thing that made you laugh?  hm 

34. Best toy as a child?  bikes! 

35. Worst injury you have ever had?  broken arm 

36. Where would you love to live?  paris 

37. What type of TV do you have? Would you’d like an upgrade?  flat's good 

39. How many dogs do you have?  one 

 40. Do most folks trust you?   yes

41. What book are you reading?  cities i've never been to 

42. What’s your favorite classic TV show?  addams family 

43. What’s your favorite sports team?  none 

44. Favorite month and why?  october...halloween!

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